motherday gift

motherday gift
God could not be everywhere,so he created mothers

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Chess Chessboard LCD Game Player (Black)

Chess Chessboard LCD Game Player (Black)  @
* The chessboard is a square, consisting of 64 smaller squares: eight rows and eight columns.
* Ligh colored called white squares and the dark colored called balck squares, and the pieces are moving in these squares.
* There are totally 32 pieces, which are divided into two two groups: Black and white group, each consisting 16 pieces.
* Each of the groups are moved by two opponents.
* These pieces are as folllows: A king, a queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights and eight pawns, and their initial positions on chessboard are indicated in the left diagram.
* Powered by two AAA batteries.

(via Chess Chessboard LCD Game Player (Black) @ $15.28)

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